Here's a re-roll of just the first patch of this series, since that was
the one that got all the comments (and the others are textually

The changes are:

  - drop the leftover in_dir assignment

  - replace ${indir:+} magic with defaulting indir=. (so we always pass
    it to "-C"

  - replace eval formatting magic with "%s" printf formatters (safer and
    gets rid of quoting issues in the callers).

  - use a tempfile to avoid significant logic on the left-hand subshell
    of a pipe. This actually  _doesn't_ save a process because we end up
    having to call "rm" to get rid of the tempfile. But I think it makes
    the logic easier to follow (we can get just call test_tick as normal
    in our loop), and as a bonus it leaves something you can inspect if
    the fast-import fails.

  - I dropped the comparison to test_commit in the documentation, since
    it isn't a direct replacement due to the lack of tag creation. I
    think that makes it clear enough.

    I _didn't_ move the documentation out to t/README. IMHO we should be
    moving in the opposite direction. But either way, I think it's
    something we should handle separately (either consistently moving it
    all into t/README, or moving it closer to the definitions).

I didn't re-run all of the timings, but I spot-checked a few and got
similar improvements (weirdly all of my timings, both before and after,
seem slightly faster today; apparently gremlins were slowing my machine
down yesterday?).

-- >8 --
Subject: test-lib: introduce test_commit_bulk
Some tests need to create a string of commits. Doing this with
test_commit is very heavy-weight, as it needs at least one process per
commit (and in fact, uses several).

For bulk creation, we can do much better by using fast-import, but it's
often a pain to generate the input. Let's provide a helper to do so.

We'll use t5310 as a guinea pig, as it has three 10-commit loops. Here
are hyperfine results before and after:

  Benchmark #1: ./ --root=/var/ram/git-tests
    Time (mean ± σ):      2.846 s ±  0.305 s    [User: 3.042 s, System: 0.919 s]
    Range (min … max):    2.250 s …  3.210 s    10 runs

  Benchmark #1: ./ --root=/var/ram/git-tests
    Time (mean ± σ):      2.210 s ±  0.174 s    [User: 2.570 s, System: 0.604 s]
    Range (min … max):    1.999 s …  2.590 s    10 runs

So we're over 20% faster, while making the callers slightly shorter. We
added a lot more lines in, of course, and the
helper is way more featureful than we need here. But my hope is that it
will be flexible enough to use in more places.

Signed-off-by: Jeff King <>
 t/ |  15 +----
 t/ | 123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a26c8ba9a2..3aab7024ca 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -21,15 +21,9 @@ has_any () {
 test_expect_success 'setup repo with moderate-sized history' '
-       for i in $(test_seq 1 10)
-       do
-               test_commit $i
-       done &&
+       test_commit_bulk --id=file 10 &&
        git checkout -b other HEAD~5 &&
-       for i in $(test_seq 1 10)
-       do
-               test_commit side-$i
-       done &&
+       test_commit_bulk --id=side 10 &&
        git checkout master &&
        bitmaptip=$(git rev-parse master) &&
        blob=$(echo tagged-blob | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
@@ -106,10 +100,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone from bitmapped repository' '
 test_expect_success 'setup further non-bitmapped commits' '
-       for i in $(test_seq 1 10)
-       do
-               test_commit further-$i
-       done
+       test_commit_bulk --id=further 10
 rev_list_tests 'partial bitmap'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0367cec5fd..9fd0fa2a89 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -233,6 +233,129 @@ test_merge () {
        git tag "$1"
+# Efficiently create <nr> commits, each with a unique number (from 1 to <nr>
+# by default) in the commit message.
+# Usage: test_commit_bulk [options] <nr>
+#   -C <dir>:
+#      Run all git commands in directory <dir>
+#   --ref=<n>:
+#      ref on which to create commits (default: HEAD)
+#   --start=<n>:
+#      number commit messages from <n> (default: 1)
+#   --message=<msg>:
+#      use <msg> as the commit mesasge (default: "commit %s")
+#   --filename=<fn>:
+#      modify <fn> in each commit (default: %s.t)
+#   --contents=<string>:
+#      place <string> in each file (default: "content %s")
+#   --id=<string>:
+#      shorthand to use <string> and %s in message, filename, and contents
+# The message, filename, and contents strings are evaluated by printf, with the
+# first "%s" replaced by the current commit number. So you can do:
+#   test_commit_bulk --filename=file --contents="modification %s"
+# to have every commit touch the same file, but with unique content.
+test_commit_bulk () {
+       tmpfile=.bulk-commit.input
+       indir=.
+       ref=HEAD
+       n=1
+       message='commit %s'
+       filename='%s.t'
+       contents='content %s'
+       while test $# -gt 0
+       do
+               case "$1" in
+               -C)
+                       indir=$2
+                       shift
+                       ;;
+               --ref=*)
+                       ref=${1#--*=}
+                       ;;
+               --start=*)
+                       n=${1#--*=}
+                       ;;
+               --message=*)
+                       message=${1#--*=}
+                       ;;
+               --filename=*)
+                       filename=${1#--*=}
+                       ;;
+               --contents=*)
+                       contents=${1#--*=}
+                       ;;
+               --id=*)
+                       message="${1#--*=} %s"
+                       filename="${1#--*=}-%s.t"
+                       contents="${1#--*=} %s"
+                       ;;
+               -*)
+                       BUG "invalid test_commit_bulk option: $1"
+                       ;;
+               *)
+                       break
+                       ;;
+               esac
+               shift
+       done
+       total=$1
+       {
+               # A "reset ... from" instructs fastimport to build on an
+               # existing branch tip rather than trying to overwrite.
+               if tip=$(git -C "$indir" rev-parse --verify "$ref" 2>/dev/null)
+               then
+                       echo "reset $ref"
+                       echo "from $tip"
+               fi
+               while test "$total" -gt 0
+               do
+                       test_tick &&
+                       echo "commit $ref"
+                       printf 'author %s <%s> %s\n' \
+                               "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" \
+                               "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" \
+                               "$GIT_AUTHOR_DATE"
+                       printf 'committer %s <%s> %s\n' \
+                               "$GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" \
+                               "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" \
+                               "$GIT_COMMITTER_DATE"
+                       echo "data <<EOF"
+                       printf "$message\n" $n
+                       echo "EOF"
+                       printf "M 644 inline $filename\n" $n
+                       echo "data <<EOF"
+                       printf "$contents\n" $n
+                       echo "EOF"
+                       echo
+                       n=$((n + 1))
+                       total=$((total - 1))
+               done
+       } >"$tmpfile"
+       git -C "$indir" \
+           -c fastimport.unpacklimit=0 \
+           fast-import <"$tmpfile" || return 1
+       # This will be left in place on failure, which may aid debugging.
+       rm -f "$tmpfile"
+       # If we updated HEAD, then be nice and update the index and working
+       # tree, too.
+       if test "$ref" = "HEAD"
+       then
+               git -C "$indir" checkout -f HEAD || return 1
+       fi
 # This function helps systems where core.filemode=false is set.
 # Use it instead of plain 'chmod +x' to set or unset the executable bit
 # of a file in the working directory and add it to the index.

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