
    git submodule foreach --recursive <subcommand> --<option>

leads to an error stating that the option --<option> is unknown to
submodule--helper. That is of course only, when <option> is not a valid
option for git submodule foreach.

The reason for this is, that above call is internally translated into a
call to submodule--helper:

    git submodule--helper foreach --recursive \
        -- <subcommand> --<option>

This call starts by executing the subcommand with its option inside the
first first level submodule and continues by calling the next iteration
of the submodule foreach call

    git --super-prefix <submodulepath> submodule--helper \
      foreach --recursive <subcommand> --<option>

inside the first level submodule. Note that the double dash in front of
the subcommand is missing.

This problem starts to arise only recently, as the
PARSE_OPT_KEEP_UNKNOWN flag for the argument parsing of git submodule
foreach was removed in commit a282f5a906. Hence, the unknown option is
complained about now, as the argument parsing is not properly ended by
the double dash.

This commit fixes the problem by adding the double dash in front of the
subcommand during the recursion.

Signed-off-by: Morian Sonnet <>
 builtin/submodule--helper.c  | 1 +
 t/ | 7 +++++++
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+)

diff --git a/builtin/submodule--helper.c b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
index 0bf4aa088e..afaf0819c9 100644
--- a/builtin/submodule--helper.c
+++ b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
@@ -540,6 +540,7 @@ static void runcommand_in_submodule_cb(const struct 
cache_entry *list_item,
                if (info->quiet)
                        argv_array_push(&cpr.args, "--quiet");
+               argv_array_push(&cpr.args, "--");
                argv_array_pushv(&cpr.args, info->argv);
                if (run_command(&cpr))
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 706ae762e0..ade6672820 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -421,4 +421,11 @@ test_expect_success 'option-like arguments passed to 
foreach commands are not lo
        test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'option-like arguments passed to foreach recurse 
correctly' '
+  git -C super submodule foreach --recursive "echo be --an-option" > expected 
+  git -C super submodule foreach --recursive echo be --an-option > actual &&
+  grep -e "--an-option" expected &&
+  test_cmp expected actual

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