On 2019-06-23 at 08:28:41, Dimitriy wrote:
> brian m. carlson <sand...@crustytoothpaste.net> wrote:
> > In my view, the translation is less important for the prefixes and more
> > important for the unit: at least French prefers the term "octet" over
> > "byte"[0], so instead of writing "MB", you'd write "Mo".
> Localization according to local rules is important for every unit part.
> There is a Russian adoption of IEC 80000-13:2008 called
> GOST R IEC 80000-13-2016[0].
> And in this document there is national translations for these units\prefixes.
> So 'KiB' should become 'КиБ' according to this national standard.
> Same story with Ukrainian adoption called DSTU IEC 80000-13:2016[1]:
> 'KiB' -> 'КіБ'.
> Also according to ISO website seems that there is French version of
> IEC 80000-13:2008 exist. Not sure about French translation through.

I figured the impetus for this change was something like this.

> > In general, I think it's better to keep the prefixes and units together,
> > since trying to translate a single letter runs the risk of collisions
> > with other places in the code. It's likely to be easier for translators
> > as well.
> I agree with you in this part.
> I searched for similar code in other codebases and found such in KDE
> codebase[2]. I'll update patch if there is no objections.

Yeah, that sounds good. It's probably sufficient in this case to simply
mark the existing format strings for translation, since we know
translators can already handle other format strings we have. Also,
perhaps translators will want to switch the period for a comma, as is
common in some languages.

> > [0] Technically, as in English, they have different meanings, but I've
> > always seen French units written with "o" for "octet", not "B" for
> > "byte".
> To solve this ambiguity IEC standard in subclause 13-9.с says
> that 'byte' implies 'octet' (8-bit byte).

French Wikipedia also tells me that "B" is the symbol for the bel, so
"o" is preferable because it doesn't conflict. I have no strong opinions
either way.
brian m. carlson: Houston, Texas, US
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