Hi Hannes,

On Tue, 18 Jun 2019, Johannes Sixt wrote:

> Am 18.06.19 um 03:29 schrieb brian m. carlson:
> > On 2019-06-17 at 19:05:03, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> >> I guess it does not *really* matter all that much, but this does spawn a
> >> new process (and I think it actually spawns 4 on Windows, for reasons, and
> >> spawning processes is super expensive on Windows).
> >>
> >> We might actually want to think about using something like this instead
> >> (which admittedly looks a bit like gobbledygook to the uninitiated, but it
> >> definitely avoids any spawned process):
> >>
> >> test_oid_to_path () {
> >>    echo "${1%${1#??}}/${1#??}"
> >> }
> >
> > I'm fine making that change. The original design was because we had
> > other code that used that technique and I didn't see an obviously better
> > solution. Now you've provided one and a good justification.
> Regardless of how it is implemented, I have another gripe with this
> helper: the way it must be used requires a process: $(test_out_to_path
> $foo)


> And looking through this patch series, I see a gazillion of *new*
> process substitutions $(test_something...) and $(basename $whatever).
> Can't we do something about it?

I wish there was. Unix shell scripting has not evolved much in the past,
what, 3 decades? So I don't really see a way to "pass variables by
reference" to shell functions, short of calling `eval` (which buys
preciously little as it _also_ has to spawn a new process [*1*]).

Of course, if we would slowly get away from depending so much on shell
scripting, then we would reap quite a few other benefits, too, not only
speed, but also much easier debugging, code coverage, etc.


Footnote *1*: Theoretically, it could be a *ton* faster by using threads
on Windows. But threads are pretty much an afterthought on Unix/Linux, so
no mainstream POSIX shell supports this. They all `fork()` to interpret an
`eval` as far as I can tell.

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