We have a hard limit in the service of 5GB for a single push. The advice we've given other customers is to do partial pushes by checking out an older commit, pushing that, and then checking out a newer commit, pushing, etc. You have to push multiple times, but you can build up the entire history that way.
This is due to a limit set by the TFS product. -----Original Message----- From: git-ow...@vger.kernel.org <git-ow...@vger.kernel.org> On Behalf Of Aram Maliachi (WIPRO LIMITED) Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 11:48 AM To: git@vger.kernel.org Cc: Kranz, Peter <kranz.peter....@siemens-healthineers.com>; Brettschneider, Marco <marco.brettschneider....@siemens-healthineers.com> Subject: commit sized around 100 gb in changes failed to push to a TFS remote - Git To @Git Community >From the perspective of an Azure DevOps support engineer. I have a customer >who is unable to make a push with following error: fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly failed to push some refs into https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fzelos.healthcare.siemens.com%2Ftfs%2FHoover%2FVA20A.DevInt.Gvfs%2F_git%2FSaturn&data=02%7C01%7Cv-armal%40microsoft.com%7C00a886aa8e6e4eb7b38308d6f0e81171%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636961276860256000&sdata=HF36q%2FZff3882jBBNdyXQdQMUcFrsJ1jHtWJyfbTu0s%3D&reserved=0 The local repository has only one change when comparing it to the remote and it is a commit labelled with SHA value: 504aedfdbb to a branch called gitTest This being said the scheme is as following: [Remote] - master b946c27c [Local] - gitTest branch 504aedfdbb b946c27c Important data: - The commit 504aedfdbb contains +100 GB in file changes - The remote git repository is a TFS server - Customer isn't building code - it is using the remote kind of as a storage service <- We understand these are not best practices but is the way customer is using Git and TFS. If @Git Community could confirm/elaborate on this customer may change up the current approach he is using. Things tried: - reset the history for the local repository back to the latest shared commit b946c27c and committed something small which succeeded to push into remote into a brand new branch by running $ git push origin <name of local branch> - cherry-picked the commit into local master and attempted to push = failed. <- this makes me think this is entirely caused by the oversized commit - boosted up the http post buffer configuration = failed. Rolled configuration back to default according to the MSFT docs https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.microsoft.com%2Fen-us%2Fazure%2Fdevops%2Frepos%2Fgit%2Frpc-failures-http-postbuffer%3Fview%3Dazure-devops&data=02%7C01%7Cv-armal%40microsoft.com%7C00a886aa8e6e4eb7b38308d6f0e81171%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636961276860256000&sdata=jnxDSnfGiRpHbs%2F1n0yRt3V%2FE3UogElyRhhyoxFc%2FTM%3D&reserved=0 - since this is a TFS server I initially though this could be caused by insufficient disk storage capacity in the server containing the TFS product. But @Vimal Thiagaraj has confirmed that the repositories size limit depend upon the remote TFS databases and not the server itself. Is there a limit on these databases or on how much changes can a git commit contain? Things I've suggested to customer: - commit more frequently in smaller batches - understand that the nature of git is to collaborate and track versions of files over time - not a cloud storage provider Would appreciate any insight on this @Git Community. Thanks to @Phillip Oakley who took the time to answer last time I posted a question to this mailing list.