Rohit Ashiwal <> writes:

>> Is this correct, or do we need to enclose these choices inside (),
>> i.e.
>>      'git cherry-pick' ( --continue | --skip | --abort | --quit )
>> ?
> Documentation of `git rebase` also lists these options without the
> '('s so, I thought to make it similar to that.

As long as you picked the ones that correctly spell their SYNOPSIS,
it is OK to model yours after them.

Seeing how "git-am.txt", "git-cat-file.txt", "git-checkout.txt", ...
"git-var.txt" etc. all use

        ( choice1 | choice2 | choice3 )

when one among the choices MUST be chosen, contrasting with

        [ choice1 | choice2 | choice3 ]

when one can be chosen but not using any is also OK, I am not sure
if the documentation for "git rebase" is done right and should be
used as a model, though.

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