On Monday, 10 June 2019 21:15:58 CEST Junio C Hamano wrote: > Jean-Noël AVILA <jn.av...@free.fr> writes: > > > I can provide an archive comprising the precompiled manpages so that packagers > > don't need to mess up with po4a. > > That's an interesting thing to hear---if this effort eventually > relieves me from having to supply preformatted manpages and HTML > docs (after all, en/C is just one more locale from your point of > view, right?), that would be an excellent news for me ;-)
I wasn't expecting this one ;-D In fact, the translation project is different in two points: * Not all the sources have been copied; only sources for some manpages * the en version is the source for translation. It's not compiled (why bother? it's already done in the main repo). > > The last-mile packagers that are directly facing end-users would be > happy to have a place (or two) that they can pull the pre-built docs > for these locales from, and they would not particularly care where > exactly those places are, I think. BTW, who is using the preformatted docs? If it's useful to anybody to have access to the compound of en + translated docs, such repo can be set up. Please note that Johannes clearly stated that git-for-windows cannot afford more weight, so English only manpages are still required.