git am or rebase advice user to use git am --skip or git rebase --skip
to skip the commit that has become empty or has risen conflicts. OTOH,
cherry-pick advice user to use git reset HEAD which on the user’s part
is annoying and sometimes confusing. This patch series will bring
consistency between advices of these commands with introduction of
`--skip` flag to cherry-pick and revert.

Rohit Ashiwal (3):
  sequencer: add advice for revert
  cherry-pick/revert: add --skip option
  cherry-pick/revert: update hints

 Documentation/git-cherry-pick.txt |  4 +-
 Documentation/git-revert.txt      |  4 +-
 Documentation/sequencer.txt       |  4 ++
 builtin/commit.c                  | 13 ++++---
 builtin/revert.c                  |  5 +++
 sequencer.c                       | 26 ++++++++++++-
 sequencer.h                       |  1 +
 t/   | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

Reviewed-by: Elijah Newren <>
Reviewed-by: Thomas Gummerer <>

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