On 6/6/2019 3:05 PM, Jeff King wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 06, 2019 at 03:00:00PM -0400, Eric Sunshine wrote:
>>> I can't reproduce the intermittent failure either on 2.21.0, or with
>>> v2.22.0-rc3.
>> I can't reproduce it either on Jeff's Solaris box. Perhaps Jeff can
>> add "-v -x" to his automated build/test script in order to help
>> diagnose the problem if it occurs again.
> Jeff: try "--verbose-log -x" if you're doing this as part of an automated
> run. That will leave you nice logs in t/test-results without dumping it
> all (and in particular, if you run the tests in parallel, it will avoid
> interleaving output from various tests).

Please keep me posted with any updates with exactly which command failed.
These comparison tests are intended to catch surprising interactions, but
are not very narrow. We'll need to know the exact failure spot, and the
failure could take a few forms:

* The git command failed with an error.

* The midx-enabled and midx-disabled commands differ in output.

Between these two options and the different commands that could have failed,
it's hard to dig in without more to go on.


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