In the sparse filter data, array_frame array is used in a way such that
nr is the index of the last element. Fix this so that nr is actually the
number of elements in the array.

The filter_sparse_free function also has an unaddressed TODO to free the
memory associated with the sparse filter data. Address that TODO and fix
the memory leak.

Signed-off-by: Matthew DeVore <>
 list-objects-filter.c | 21 ++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/list-objects-filter.c b/list-objects-filter.c
index ee449de3f7..19158cc712 100644
--- a/list-objects-filter.c
+++ b/list-objects-filter.c
@@ -348,28 +348,30 @@ static enum list_objects_filter_result filter_sparse(
        switch (filter_situation) {
                BUG("unknown filter_situation: %d", filter_situation);
        case LOFS_BEGIN_TREE:
                assert(obj->type == OBJ_TREE);
                dtype = DT_DIR;
                val = is_excluded_from_list(pathname, strlen(pathname),
                                            filename, &dtype, &filter_data->el,
-               if (val < 0)
-                       val = filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr].defval;
+               if (val < 0) {
+                       val = filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr - 1]
+                               .defval;
+               }
                ALLOC_GROW(filter_data->array_frame, filter_data->nr + 1,
-               filter_data->nr++;
                filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr].defval = val;
                filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr].child_prov_omit = 0;
+               filter_data->nr++;
                 * A directory with this tree OID may appear in multiple
                 * places in the tree. (Think of a directory move or copy,
                 * with no other changes, so the OID is the same, but the
                 * full pathnames of objects within this directory are new
                 * and may match is_excluded() patterns differently.)
                 * So we cannot mark this directory as SEEN (yet), since
                 * that will prevent process_tree() from revisiting this
                 * tree object with other pathname prefixes.
@@ -380,46 +382,45 @@ static enum list_objects_filter_result filter_sparse(
                 * We always show all tree objects.  A future optimization
                 * may want to attempt to narrow this.
                if (obj->flags & FILTER_SHOWN_BUT_REVISIT)
                        return LOFR_ZERO;
                obj->flags |= FILTER_SHOWN_BUT_REVISIT;
                return LOFR_DO_SHOW;
        case LOFS_END_TREE:
                assert(obj->type == OBJ_TREE);
-               assert(filter_data->nr > 0);
+               assert(filter_data->nr > 1);
-               frame = &filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr];
-               filter_data->nr--;
+               frame = &filter_data->array_frame[--filter_data->nr];
                 * Tell our parent directory if any of our children were
                 * provisionally omitted.
-               filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr].child_prov_omit |=
+               filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr - 1].child_prov_omit |=
                 * If there are NO provisionally omitted child objects (ALL 
                 * objects in this folder were INCLUDED), then we can mark the
                 * folder as SEEN (so we will not have to revisit it again).
                if (!frame->child_prov_omit)
                        return LOFR_MARK_SEEN;
                return LOFR_ZERO;
        case LOFS_BLOB:
                assert(obj->type == OBJ_BLOB);
                assert((obj->flags & SEEN) == 0);
-               frame = &filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr];
+               frame = &filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr - 1];
                dtype = DT_REG;
                val = is_excluded_from_list(pathname, strlen(pathname),
                                            filename, &dtype, &filter_data->el,
                if (val < 0)
                        val = frame->defval;
                if (val > 0) {
                        if (filter_data->omits)
                                oidset_remove(filter_data->omits, &obj->oid);
@@ -446,39 +447,40 @@ static enum list_objects_filter_result filter_sparse(
                frame->child_prov_omit = 1;
                return LOFR_ZERO;
 static void filter_sparse_free(void *filter_data)
        struct filter_sparse_data *d = filter_data;
-       /* TODO free contents of 'd' */
+       free(d->array_frame);
 static void *filter_sparse_oid__init(
        struct oidset *omitted,
        struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
        filter_object_fn *filter_fn,
        filter_free_fn *filter_free_fn)
        struct filter_sparse_data *d = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*d));
        d->omits = omitted;
        if (add_excludes_from_blob_to_list(filter_options->sparse_oid_value,
                                           NULL, 0, &d->el) < 0)
                die("could not load filter specification");
        ALLOC_GROW(d->array_frame, d->nr + 1, d->alloc);
        d->array_frame[d->nr].defval = 0; /* default to include */
        d->array_frame[d->nr].child_prov_omit = 0;
+       d->nr++;
        *filter_fn = filter_sparse;
        *filter_free_fn = filter_sparse_free;
        return d;
 static void *filter_sparse_path__init(
        struct oidset *omitted,
        struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
        filter_object_fn *filter_fn,
@@ -486,20 +488,21 @@ static void *filter_sparse_path__init(
        struct filter_sparse_data *d = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*d));
        d->omits = omitted;
        if (add_excludes_from_file_to_list(filter_options->sparse_path_value,
                                           NULL, 0, &d->el, NULL) < 0)
                die("could not load filter specification");
        ALLOC_GROW(d->array_frame, d->nr + 1, d->alloc);
        d->array_frame[d->nr].defval = 0; /* default to include */
        d->array_frame[d->nr].child_prov_omit = 0;
+       d->nr++;
        *filter_fn = filter_sparse;
        *filter_free_fn = filter_sparse_free;
        return d;
 typedef void *(*filter_init_fn)(
        struct oidset *omitted,
        struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
        filter_object_fn *filter_fn,

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