v2 reduces diff noise. My C is rusty (and probably holey too). For some
reason I remember "unsigned" is equivalent to "unsigned short", not
"unsigned int".

Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy (3):
  diff-parseopt: correct variable types that are used by parseopt
  diff-parseopt: restore -U (no argument) behavior
  parse-options: check empty value in OPT_INTEGER and OPT_ABBREV

 diff.c                                    | 10 ++++---
 diff.h                                    |  2 +-
 parse-options-cb.c                        |  3 +++
 parse-options.c                           |  3 +++
 t/t4013-diff-various.sh                   |  2 ++
 t/t4013/diff.diff_-U1_initial..side (new) | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++
 t/t4013/diff.diff_-U2_initial..side (new) | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/t4013/diff.diff_-U_initial..side (new)  | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 t/t4013/diff.diff_-U1_initial..side
 create mode 100644 t/t4013/diff.diff_-U2_initial..side
 create mode 100644 t/t4013/diff.diff_-U_initial..side

Interdiff dựa trên v1:
diff --git a/diff.h b/diff.h
index 4527daf6b7..d5e44baa96 100644
--- a/diff.h
+++ b/diff.h
@@ -65,39 +65,39 @@ typedef struct strbuf *(*diff_prefix_fn_t)(struct 
diff_options *opt, void *data)
 #define DIFF_FLAGS_INIT { 0 }
 struct diff_flags {
-       unsigned int recursive;
-       unsigned int tree_in_recursive;
-       unsigned int binary;
-       unsigned int text;
-       unsigned int full_index;
-       unsigned int silent_on_remove;
-       unsigned int find_copies_harder;
-       unsigned int follow_renames;
-       unsigned int rename_empty;
-       unsigned int has_changes;
-       unsigned int quick;
-       unsigned int no_index;
-       unsigned int allow_external;
-       unsigned int exit_with_status;
-       unsigned int reverse_diff;
-       unsigned int check_failed;
-       unsigned int relative_name;
-       unsigned int ignore_submodules;
-       unsigned int dirstat_cumulative;
-       unsigned int dirstat_by_file;
-       unsigned int allow_textconv;
-       unsigned int textconv_set_via_cmdline;
-       unsigned int diff_from_contents;
-       unsigned int dirty_submodules;
-       unsigned int ignore_untracked_in_submodules;
-       unsigned int ignore_dirty_submodules;
-       unsigned int override_submodule_config;
-       unsigned int dirstat_by_line;
-       unsigned int funccontext;
-       unsigned int default_follow_renames;
-       unsigned int stat_with_summary;
-       unsigned int suppress_diff_headers;
-       unsigned int dual_color_diffed_diffs;
+       unsigned recursive;
+       unsigned tree_in_recursive;
+       unsigned binary;
+       unsigned text;
+       unsigned full_index;
+       unsigned silent_on_remove;
+       unsigned find_copies_harder;
+       unsigned follow_renames;
+       unsigned rename_empty;
+       unsigned has_changes;
+       unsigned quick;
+       unsigned no_index;
+       unsigned allow_external;
+       unsigned exit_with_status;
+       unsigned reverse_diff;
+       unsigned check_failed;
+       unsigned relative_name;
+       unsigned ignore_submodules;
+       unsigned dirstat_cumulative;
+       unsigned dirstat_by_file;
+       unsigned allow_textconv;
+       unsigned textconv_set_via_cmdline;
+       unsigned diff_from_contents;
+       unsigned dirty_submodules;
+       unsigned ignore_untracked_in_submodules;
+       unsigned ignore_dirty_submodules;
+       unsigned override_submodule_config;
+       unsigned dirstat_by_line;
+       unsigned funccontext;
+       unsigned default_follow_renames;
+       unsigned stat_with_summary;
+       unsigned suppress_diff_headers;
+       unsigned dual_color_diffed_diffs;
 static inline void diff_flags_or(struct diff_flags *a,
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ struct diff_options {
        int skip_stat_unmatch;
        int line_termination;
        int output_format;
-       unsigned int pickaxe_opts;
+       unsigned pickaxe_opts;
        int rename_score;
        int rename_limit;
        int needed_rename_limit;

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