x@y MINGW64 ~/gittest
$ ls
bare/ barework/
x@y MINGW64 ~/gittest
$ ls -a barework
./ ../ test.txt
x@y MINGW64 ~/gittest
$ git -C bare branch
* master
x@y MINGW64 ~/gittest
$ git -C bare worktree add --no-checkout ../barework
Preparing worktree (new branch 'barework')
fatal: '../barework' already exists
x@y MINGW64 ~/gittest
$ git -C bare branch
* master
Why this doesn't just work and if not why is barework branch made then,
why at all ?
I would like to attach an existing dir to git (make it a workdir) and
then update the index with git reset and checkin the differences.
I can do that tricking around with a little dir renaming, new empty dir,
move the .git file and rename back...