Another situation came up during regression testing on NonStop: t5401 broke on the first run through (most tests), with the failures below.
*** *** not ok 1 - setup # # echo This is a test. >a && # git update-index --add a && # tree0=$(git write-tree) && # commit0=$(echo setup | git commit-tree $tree0) && # echo We hope it works. >a && # git update-index a && # tree1=$(git write-tree) && # commit1=$(echo modify | git commit-tree $tree1 -p $commit0) && # git update-ref refs/heads/master $commit0 && # git update-ref refs/heads/tofail $commit1 && # git clone --bare ./. victim.git && # GIT_DIR=victim.git git update-ref refs/heads/tofail $commit1 && # git update-ref refs/heads/master $commit1 && # git update-ref refs/heads/tofail $commit0 # line 26: victim.git/hooks/pre-receive: No such file or di rectory chmod: cannot access 'victim.git/hooks/pre-receive': No such file or directory line 35: victim.git/hooks/update: No such file or directo ry chmod: cannot access 'victim.git/hooks/update': No such file or directory line 45: victim.git/hooks/post-receive: No such file or d irectory chmod: cannot access 'victim.git/hooks/post-receive': No such file or directory line 54: victim.git/hooks/post-update: No such file or di rectory chmod: cannot access 'victim.git/hooks/post-update': No such file or directory ok 2 - push etc. When running the test in isolation, it passes without incident whether or not --verbose is used. So far, this only occurs on the first run through. I wanted to report it, based on the inconsistency of results. This is not the first time tests have acted in this fashion, and I realize it is difficult to do anything about it without being able to recreate the situation. Such as it is, Randall