On 5/10/2019 1:00 PM, SZEDER Gábor wrote:
On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 12:38:52PM -0400, Derrick Stolee wrote:
export GIT_TR2_EVENT=~/git-tr2-event.txt

Hrm,  better late than never, or at least better late than after it's
in a release...

Why does an environment variable that is supposed to be set by users
have this "TR2" abbreviation in its prefix?  What exactly, if
anything, did we gain by omitting "ACE" and not calling it

Ken Thompson springs to mind, who (allegedly?) later regretted
spelling creat()/O_CREAT without the 'e'...

For closure here on this thread.  I chose TR2 rather than TRACE2
somewhat at random for convenience during testing.  Changing is fine
as you suggest in your other patch series.


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