On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 7:25 AM Duy Nguyen <pclo...@gmail.com> wrote: > pre-commit hook sets GIT_INDEX_FILE to this "index.lock" so you have > the latest index content (which is not the same as from > $GIT_DIR/index). This variable will interfere with any commands that > work on a different worktree. > > So you probably can still make it work by backing up $GIT_INDEX_FILE > (in case you need it), then unset it before you use "git worktree" (or > cd to it if you keep a permanent separate worktree for pre-commit > activities). To make sure you don't have similar problems, you > probably should do "env | grep GIT" from the hook and see if any other > variables are set.
I researched this also and concluded that it's a bug in git-commit. You run afoul of it in other situations, as well. For instance, say you have your index file in a non-standard location: $ export GIT_INDEX_FILE=../storage/index $ git worktree add --detach other Preparing worktree (detached HEAD c9156d2) fatal: Unable to create '/.../foo/other/../storage/index.lock': No such file or directory $ I think the correct fix is for git-commit to assign GIT_INDEX_FILE with the absolute path to the index file, not a relative path.