The same code for splitting a blame_entry at a particular line was used
twice in blame_chunk(), and I'll use the helper again in an upcoming

Signed-off-by: Barret Rhoden <>
 blame.c | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/blame.c b/blame.c
index 145eaf2faf9c..5369be9a2233 100644
--- a/blame.c
+++ b/blame.c
@@ -839,6 +839,27 @@ static struct blame_entry *reverse_blame(struct 
blame_entry *head,
        return tail;
+ * Splits a blame entry into two entries at 'len' lines.  The original 'e'
+ * consists of len lines, i.e. [e->lno, e->lno + len), and the second part,
+ * which is returned, consists of the remainder: [e->lno + len, e->lno +
+ * e->num_lines).  The caller needs to sort out the reference counting for the
+ * new entry's suspect.
+ */
+static struct blame_entry *split_blame_at(struct blame_entry *e, int len,
+                                         struct blame_origin *new_suspect)
+       struct blame_entry *n = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct blame_entry));
+       n->suspect = new_suspect;
+       n->lno = e->lno + len;
+       n->s_lno = e->s_lno + len;
+       n->num_lines = e->num_lines - len;
+       e->num_lines = len;
+       e->score = 0;
+       return n;
  * Process one hunk from the patch between the current suspect for
  * blame_entry e and its parent.  This first blames any unfinished
@@ -865,14 +886,9 @@ static void blame_chunk(struct blame_entry ***dstq, struct 
blame_entry ***srcq,
                if (e->s_lno + e->num_lines > tlno) {
                        /* Move second half to a new record */
-                       int len = tlno - e->s_lno;
-                       struct blame_entry *n = xcalloc(1, sizeof (struct 
-                       n->suspect = e->suspect;
-                       n->lno = e->lno + len;
-                       n->s_lno = e->s_lno + len;
-                       n->num_lines = e->num_lines - len;
-                       e->num_lines = len;
-                       e->score = 0;
+                       struct blame_entry *n;
+                       n = split_blame_at(e, tlno - e->s_lno, e->suspect);
                        /* Push new record to diffp */
                        n->next = diffp;
                        diffp = n;
@@ -919,14 +935,10 @@ static void blame_chunk(struct blame_entry ***dstq, 
struct blame_entry ***srcq,
                         * Move second half to a new record to be
                         * processed by later chunks
-                       int len = same - e->s_lno;
-                       struct blame_entry *n = xcalloc(1, sizeof (struct 
-                       n->suspect = blame_origin_incref(e->suspect);
-                       n->lno = e->lno + len;
-                       n->s_lno = e->s_lno + len;
-                       n->num_lines = e->num_lines - len;
-                       e->num_lines = len;
-                       e->score = 0;
+                       struct blame_entry *n;
+                       n = split_blame_at(e, same - e->s_lno,
+                                          blame_origin_incref(e->suspect));
                        /* Push new record to samep */
                        n->next = samep;
                        samep = n;

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