On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 9:21 AM Emily Shaffer <emilyshaf...@google.com> wrote:
> I've got a usability comment, as we're giving restore a try within
> Google for now.

Thanks. I thought I was the only guinea pig :D and obviously not a
good one since I know too much (which is not a good thing as a

> I found myself in a situation where I had accidentally
> staged all my changes to tracked files (I think resulting from a stash
> pop which generated a merge conflict?) and didn't see a good way to
> unstage everything using restore.
> I tried out `git restore --staged *` and it tried to restore every build
> artifact in my working tree, all of which should be ignored, made a lot of
> noisy errors, and left me with my changes still staged.

For the record, "git restore --staged :/" should do the trick and it
is documented as an example (but without --staged).

Either way. I think you raise a good point about "*" (or patterns
matching more than expected in general). I need to sleep on it and see
if the old way of handling pattern matching failure is still a good
way to go.

> Finally explicitly naming each file which I needed to restore worked,
> but I have very little interest in doing this for more than a handful of
> files, especially since the output of `git status` is not easy to paste
> into the command line (due to the "modified:" etc marker).

For just a couple files, you could also use "-p" to go through them
and either "a" to restore all or "d" to skip the file. Maybe adding
"-i/--interactive" to git-restore too, just like "git add". Hmm...

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