Hi Johannes,

Le 01/05/2019 à 00:41, Johannes Schindelin a écrit :
> Hi Hannes,
> On Tue, 30 Apr 2019, Johannes Sixt wrote:
>> [had to add Dscho as recipient manually, mind you]
> I usually pick up responses to GitGitGadget patch series even if I am not
> on explicit Cc: (but it might take a couple of days when I am too busy
> elsewhere to read the Git mailing list).
>> Am 29.04.19 um 23:56 schrieb İsmail Dönmez via GitGitGadget:
>>> From: =?UTF-8?q?=C4=B0smail=20D=C3=B6nmez?= <ism...@i10z.com>
>>> Enable DEP (Data Execution Prevention) and ASLR (Address Space Layout
>>> Randomization) support. This applies to both 32bit and 64bit builds
>>> and makes it substantially harder to exploit security holes in Git by
>>> offering a much more unpredictable attack surface.
>>> ASLR interferes with GDB's ability to set breakpoints. A similar issue
>>> holds true when compiling with -O2 (in which case single-stepping is
>>> messed up because GDB cannot map the code back to the original source
>>> code properly). Therefore we simply enable ASLR only when an

I don’t know if it stands true when combined with something like -ggdb3,
but I may be very wrong.  Feel free to correct me.

>>> optimization flag is present in the CFLAGS, using it as an indicator
>>> that the developer does not want to debug in GDB anyway.
>>> Signed-off-by: İsmail Dönmez <ism...@i10z.com>
>>> Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de>
>>> ---
>>>  config.mak.uname | 6 ++++++
>>>  1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
>>> index e7c7d14e5f..a9edcc5f0b 100644
>>> --- a/config.mak.uname
>>> +++ b/config.mak.uname
>>> @@ -570,6 +570,12 @@ else
>>>     ifeq ($(shell expr "$(uname_R)" : '2\.'),2)
>>>             # MSys2
>>>             prefix = /usr/
>>> +           # Enable DEP
>>> +           BASIC_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--nxcompat
>>> +           # Enable ASLR (unless debugging)
>>> +           ifneq (,$(findstring -O,$(CFLAGS)))
>>> +                   BASIC_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--dynamicbase
>>> +           endif
>>>             ifeq (MINGW32,$(MSYSTEM))
>>>                     prefix = /mingw32
>>>                     HOST_CPU = i686
>> I'm a bit concerned that this breaks my debug sessions where I use -O0.
>> But I'll test without -O0 before I really complain.
> Weird. Jameson Miller also mentioned this very concern in an internal
> review.
> I guess I'll do something like
>       ifneq (,$(findstring -O,$(filter-out -O0,$(CFLAGS))))

-Og also exists to debug[0], even if it’s far less known.  Perhaps it’s
better to check for -g (and its variants[1]) as the user clearly states
their intent to debug the resulting binary, rather than checking for
special cases.

> Does that work for you?
> Ciao,
> Dscho

[0] https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html#index-Og
[1] https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Debugging-Options.html


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