possibly.  What do I do about that?


On 4/21/19 9:03 AM, Philip Oakley wrote:
Hi Rob,

On 21/04/2019 13:34, rob wrote:
didn't work.  I did not get any error messages, just didn't work.  After I did

  git reset --hard

  git status

I see the same 3 files that say changes not staged for commit: modified and it lists the same 3 files.
Could this be that the file timestamps are being changed in the background and git is detecting those timestamp changes, even when there is no change to the files.
- Just as thought.

(In-line posting is preferred, so as to see the replies in context)


On 4/21/19 1:03 AM, Adrian H wrote:
If I understand the commands you are using correctly, you are
referencing the remote repo.  You need to reference the local repo.
So try using the following commands:

git checkout -- alecthomas/gometalinter
git checkout -- kisielk/errcheck
git checkout -- rogpeppe/godef

Or if those are the only files that have been modified, then you can
use the following single command:

git reset --hard

and that will reset all files that have not been staged.



On Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 11:22 PM rob <drrob...@fastmail.com> wrote:
I have my own code at a github repository, using Go.  Part of using Go
libraries not part of the official Go people is by using a system they
call go get.  This essentially uses git to, well, go get source code.
Mine are at github.com and golang.org.  My computer runs LinuxMint 19.1.

I used goland IDE from jetbrains to run go fmt on my entire project.
Now I am getting this message that I cannot get rid of:

changes not staged for commit:

    modified: github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter (modified content)

    modified: github.com/kisielk/errcheck (modified content)

    modified: github.com/rogpeppe/godef (modified content)

I do not want any changes to central repos to be tracked or committed,
but I cannot undo this.  I tried, for example,

git checkout -- github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter

I don't get an error message but it does not do anything. The file is
not changes, and git status show me the same information, ie, these
files have changes not staged for commit.

I do not know how to restore these files to the state they were in in
the repo, and to have my own git tree not to flag this as an unstaged
alteration.  Running rm -rfv on the repos on my computer, then running
go get to restore them does not change git status. It still sahs changes
not stated for commit: modified.

This happens for the above 3 tree items.

How do I restore these to the github remote repository condition and not
have my own git tree mark these as changed?

--rob solomon

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