On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 03:47:22PM -0600, Martin Fick wrote: > I have been thinking about this problem, and I suspect that this compute time > is actually spent doing SHA1 calculations, is that possible? Some basic back > of the envelope math and scripting seems to show that the repo may actually > contain about 2TB of data if you add up the size of all the objects in the > repo. Some quick research on the net seems to indicate that we might be able > to expect something around 500MB/s throughput on computing SHA1s, does that > seem reasonable? If I really have 2TB of data, should it then take around > 66mins to get the SHA1s for all that data? Could my repo clone time really be > dominated by SHA1 math?
That sounds about right, actually. 8GB to 2TB is a compression ratio of 250:1. That's bigger than I've seen, but I get 51:1 in the kernel. Try this (with a recent version of git; your v1.8.2.1 won't have --batch-all-objects): # count the on-disk size of all objects git cat-file --batch-all-objects --batch-check='%(objectsize) %(objectsize:disk)' | perl -alne ' $repo += $F[0]; $disk += $F[1]; END { print "$repo / $disk = ", $repo/$disk } ' 250:1 isn't inconceivable if you have large blobs which have small changes to them (and at 8GB for 8 million objects, you probably do have some larger blobs, since the kernel is about 1/8th the size for the same number of objects). So yes, if you really do have to hash 2TB of data, that's going to take a while. "openssl speed" on my machine gives per-second speeds of: type 16 bytes 64 bytes 256 bytes 1024 bytes 8192 bytes 16384 bytes sha1 135340.73k 337086.10k 677821.10k 909513.73k 1007528.62k 1016916.65k So it's faster on bigger chunks, but yeah 500-1000MB/s seems like about the best you're going to do. And... > I mention because we have many old machines which need this. However, > I also tested this with git v2.18 and it actually is much slower even > (~140mins). I think v2.18 will have the collision-detecting sha1 on by default, which is slower. Building with OPENSSL_SHA1 should be the fastest (and are those numbers above). Git's internal (but not collision detecting) BLK_SHA1 is somewhere in the middle. > Any advice on how to speed up cloning this repo, or what to pursue more > in my investigation? If you don't mind losing the collision-detection, using openssl's sha1 might help. The delta resolution should be threaded, too. So in _theory_ you're using 66 minutes of CPU time, but that should only take 1-2 minutes on your 56-core machine. I don't know at what point you'd run into lock contention, though. The locking there is quite coarse. We also hash non-deltas while we're receiving them over the network. That's accounted for in the "receiving pack" part of the progress meter. If the time looks to be going to "resolving deltas", then that should all be threaded. If you want to replay the slow part, it should just be index-pack. So something like (with $old as a fresh clone of the repo): git init --bare new-repo.git cd new-repo.git perf record git index-pack -v --stdin <$old/.git/objects/pack/pack-*.pack perf report should show you where the time is going (substitute perf with whatever profiling tool you like). As far as avoiding that work altogether, there aren't a lot of options. Git clients do not trust the server, so the server sends only the raw data, and the client is responsible for computing the object ids. The only exception is a local filesystem clone, which will blindly copy or hardlink the .pack and .idx files from the source. In theory there could be a protocol extension to let the client say "I trust you, please send me the matching .idx that goes with this pack, and I'll assume there was no bitrot nor trickery on your part". I don't recall anybody ever discussing such a patch in the past, but I think Microsoft's VFS for Git project that backs development on Windows might do similar trickery under the hood. -Peff