We're working on Windows machines and have been experiencing issues with the current implementation of Git with config setting "core.ignorecase = true" (which is the default on Windows machines and repositories created on Windows machines):
Renaming files in a repository by only changing their case (changing a capital letter to its small equivalent and vice versa) is ignored by Git. Git retains the original case in the repository and all contributors will continue to see the ole file name which leads to confusion and issues with Open Source tools programmed to not ignore file name case. Currently there is no way to convey the new file name (only differing in case) to Git when "core.ignorecase = true". Hence, I propose to alter the behaviour of Git when "core.ignorecase = true": A repository's file name changes should be recognized as a RENAME operation and be propagated to the repository even when the new file name only differs from the old file name in case. Thanks, Axel Dahmen