On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 10:31:30AM -0400, Jeff Hostetler wrote:

> Currently, neither function looks at any other k/v pairs, so
> this is a bit of a moot point, but I'm wondering if this should
> look like this:
>     int add_config(...)
>     {
>         // give add-interactive.c a chance to look at k/v pair, but
>         // do not short-cut because we don't know yet whether we
>         // will be interactive or not yet.
>         (void)add_i_config(...);
>         ...ignore_add_errors...
>         ...use_builtin_add_i...
>         return git_default_config(...);
>     }

Yeah, I agree this split seems a bit more natural. It is worth
propagating errors from add_i_config(), though, like:

  if (add_i_config(var, value, data))
        return -1;

so that any key-specific errors (e.g., config_error_nonbool) stop the
parsing in the usual way.


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