user$ git checkout -b "environment-logging"
Switched to a new branch ' environment-logging'
user$ git status
On branch  environment-logging
nothing to commit, working tree clean
user$ git checkout develop
Switched to branch 'develop'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'.
user$ git branch -D environment-logging
error: branch 'environment-logging' not found.

Regular space:
user$ git branch -D " environment-logging"
error: branch ' environment-logging' not found.

Nonbreaking space:
user$ git branch -D " environment-logging"
Deleted branch  environment-logging (was 267ffff).

Non breaking space inserted into my branch name. Above is copy pasted
from terminal with only the user name and directory altered and
extraneous commands removed. Note the space in the std out of the
first command but not included in the command itself. Whereas in the
last command I explicitly typed the nonbreaking space and it does
appear as a visible space. I do not know how to reproduce.



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