On 2019-04-08 21:36, Matheus Tavares Bernardino wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 4:19 PM Philip Oakley <philipoak...@iee.org> wrote:
>> Hi Matheus
>> On 08/04/2019 18:04, Matheus Tavares Bernardino wrote:
>>>> Another "32-bit problem" should also be expressly considered during the
>>>> GSoC work because of the MS Windows definition of uInt / long to be only
>>>> 32 bits, leading to much of the Git code failing on the Git for Windows
>>>> port and on the Git LFS (for Windows) for packs and files greater than
>>>> 4Gb.https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/1063
>>> Thanks for pointing it out. I didn't get it, thought, if your
>>> suggestion was to also propose tackling this issue in this GSoC
>>> project. Was it that? I read the link but it seems to be a kind of
>>> unrelated problem from what I'm planing to do with the pack access
>>> code (which is tread-safety). I may have understood this wrongly,
>>> though. Please, let me know if that's the case :)
>> The main point was to avoid accidental regressions by re-introducing
>> simple 'longs' where memsized types were more appropriate.
>> Torsten has already done a lot of work at
>> https://github.com/tboegi/git/tree/tb.190402_1552_convert_size_t_only_git_master_181124_mk_size_t
> Got it. Thanks, Philip!
>> HTH
>> Philip
>> (I'm off line for a few days)

Thanks for the reminder -
I will probably send something out the next days/weeks.

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