Hi Andreas,
On 06/04/2019 19:09, Andreas Schwab wrote:
On Apr 06 2019, Philip Oakley <philipoak...@iee.org> wrote:
Following the discussions about the tag peeling issue, I thought to have a
look at what the git glossary says.
I had it in my head that when the git guides were linked to the help
system, that the --help option provided a short circuit direct to help
item. However this did not happen.
$ git help glossary
Thanks. I was aware of that form, but as I remember it, as part of the
'git' command processing, there was an immediate shortcut if --help was
an option, that would essentially re-write the cli as 'git help
command', such that 'git foo --help' would become 'git help foo' and the
help system would then provide the right long form help, including the
guides and <concepts> docs (excepting the user-manual, which is
unfortunate, but ..)
My question was whether the older systems did that re-write as
described, should someone have one immediately to hand.