On Thu, Apr 04, 2019 at 10:17:21PM -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:

> Elsewhere in this thread, Jeff made the very valid point
> that we're probably wise to keep using the docbook/xmlto
> chain as long as we're supporting both asciidoc and
> asciidoctor.  Unless it turns out that it's more work to
> coax asciidoctor (and the various 1.5 and 2.0 releases in
> common use) to work with that same docbook/xmlto chain than
> it is to do it directly, that is.

One of my secret (maybe not so secret?) implications there was that it
might be worth dropping asciidoc support sooner rather than later. I.e.,
if it is a burden to make it work with both old and new systems, then
let's make the jump to having it work with the new system.

IMHO we can be a bit more cavalier with saying "you must have a
recent-ish asciidoctor to build the docs", because it's so easy for us
to provide a binary distribution of the built HTML and manpages (in
fact, we already do so for the install-man-quick target).

So it doesn't really leave any platforms out in the cold; it just means
they have to tweak their build procedure.


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