BOMPARD CORENTIN p1603631 <> writes:

> Adding the --set-upstream option to git pull/fetch

We usually write commit messages with imperative tone, hence "add", not

> +             /*
> +              * We want to set the current branch config following the 
> +              * ref_map entry which fetches on FETCH_HEAD

fetches _to_? And period at end of sentence.

> +              * In case of "git pull <remote> --set-upstream" we
> +              *      don't want to set all branches' config.
> +              * If there is no local ref which points on FETCH_HEAD

Indentation is weird. If you're just writting sentences, just wrap the
text 1 column away from the "*", and to make paragraphs, add blank lines
(containing just "*") between paragraphs.

> +              *      we don't set the config for the current branch
> +              *      and warn the user.
> +              * If there is a fetch of more than one branch for example: 
> +              *      "git pull <remote> <branch> <branch> --set-upstream"
> +              *      setting the current branch's config makes no sense.
> +              * Where we are in case of "git pull <remote> 
> <branch>:<branch>" we
> +              *      don't want to set the config for the local branch
> +              *      can be improved in the future to set local branch's 
> config.
> +              */

I'm biaised because we talked about this in real-life, but I find the
explanation unclear. I'd write stg like

 * We're setting the upstream configuration for the current branch. The
 * relevant upstream is the fetched branch that is meant to be merged with
 * the current one, i.e. the one fetched to FETCH_HEAD.
 * When there are several such branches, consider the request ambiguous and
 * err on the safe side by doing nothing and just emit a warning.

I think the discussion about the various use-case that may lead to
different cases (0, 1 or >1 branches fetched to FETCH_HEAD) is not
needed here, but can be relevant comments in the tests.

> +             for (rm = ref_map; rm; rm = rm->next) {
> +                     fprintf(stderr, "\n -%s", rm->name);
> +                     if (rm->peer_ref) {
> +                             fprintf(stderr, " -> %s", rm->peer_ref->name);
> +                     } else {
> +                             if (target) {
> +                                     fprintf(stderr, " -> FETCH_HEAD\n");
> +                                     warning(_("Multiple FETCH_HEAD"));

Is this a debug statement or a real warning? In the later case, it
should be made clearer to the user.

> +                                     target = NULL;
> +                                     break;
> +                             } else {
> +                                     target = rm;

This is the branch you're fetching from, right? If so, "target" is a
misleading name. Perhaps source_ref?

> +                                     fprintf(stderr, " -> FETCH_HEAD");
> +                             }
> +                     }
> +             }
> +             fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
> +             if (target) {
> +                     if (!strcmp(ref_map->name, "HEAD") ||
> +                                     starts_with(ref_map->name, 
> "refs/heads/")) {

Weird indentation. Perhaps you have a tab-width != 8?

More importantly, shouldn't ref_map->name be target->name here?

> +                             install_branch_config(0, branch->name,
> +                                                      
> transport->remote->name,
> +                                                      target->name);
> +                     } else if (starts_with(ref_map->name, "refs/remotes/")) 
> {
> +                             warning(_("Not setting upstream for a remote 
> remote-tracking branch"));
> +                     } else if (starts_with(ref_map->name, "refs/tags/")) {
> +                             warning(_("Tag upstream not set"));
> +                     } else {
> +                             warning(_("Unknown branch type"));
> +                     }
> +             } else {
> +                     warning(_("Fetching more than one branch. Current 
> branch's upstream not set"));

The warning seems misleading to me: this else branch is executed in many
cases (described in the comment above), not only when there's more than
one branch, right?

> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/t/
> @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
> +#!/bin/sh
> +
> +test_description='"git fetch/pull --set-upstream" basic tests.
> +
> +'
> +. ./
> +
> +
> +
> +check_config() {
> +     (echo $2; echo $3) >expect.$1
> +     (git config branch.$1.remote
> +      git config branch.$1.merge) >actual.$1
> +     test_cmp expect.$1 actual.$1
> +}
> +
> +check_config_empty() {
> +     git config branch.$1.remote >remote.$1
> +     test_must_be_empty remote.$1
> +     git config branch.$1.merge >merge.$1
> +     test_must_be_empty merge.$1
> +}

Broken &&-chain (in both functions, but most importantly in the second,
where the first test_must_be_empty is useless without &&.

> +test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream does not set branch other' '

Misleading test name: "set branch" -> "set upstream"? And here it's not
just about "other" but about all branches.

'fetch --set-upstream does not set upstream w/o branch'


> +     git checkout master &&
> +     git fetch --set-upstream upstream &&
> +     check_config_empty master &&
> +     check_config_empty other
> +'

> +#test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream does not set branch other' '
> +#    git checkout master &&
> +#    git fetch --set-upstream upstream &&
> +#    check_config master upstream refs/heads/master &&
> +#    check_config_empty other
> +#'

Avoid leaving leftovers like this, even in WIP patches, they distract
the reader.

> +test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream upstream master sets branch master 
> but not other' '
> +     git fetch --set-upstream upstream master &&
> +     check_config master upstream refs/heads/master &&
> +     check_config_empty other
> +'
> +
> +

Style: you sometimes leave 2 blank lines, sometimes 1 between tests. Try
to be consistent.

> +test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream other sets branch other' '

Test title and content say the opposite of each other.

> +     git pull --set-upstream upstream other &&
> +     check_config master upstream refs/heads/other &&
> +     check_config_empty other
> +'

> +test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream 
> fails with the bad url' '
> +     test_must_fail git pull --set-upstream
> +'

You should check that it doesn't touch the config. That it fails is not
a surprise regardless of the correctness of your code, but the thing to
check is that it does not touch the config before failing.

> +test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream with more than one branch 
> does nothing' '

Here also, test title and content say different things. Probably you
need to reset the config and use check_config_empty.

> +     git pull --set-upstream upstream master three &&
> +     check_config master upstream HEAD &&
> +     check_config_empty three
> +'

Matthieu Moy

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