Chanseok Oh <> writes:

> BROKEN: anything other than UTC reports wrong date.
>     $ TZ=KST git log '--date=format-local:%Y%m%d %H%M%S %z (%Z)'
> --format=%cd -n1
>     20190401 210250 +0000 (KST)

I think you are probably on a system where timezones can be given
only with a more modern and unambiguous style and not in the
potentially ambiguous abbreviated form.  Here is one experiment to
show what I mean:

    $ TZ=KST date
    Tue Apr  2 00:29:51 KST 2019
    $ TZ=JST date
    Tue Apr  2 00:29:51 JST 2019
    $ TZ=Asia/Tokyo date
    Tue Apr  2 09:29:51 JST 2019

Two points to be learned from the above exercise are:

 - It is not limited to your copy of "git".  Even a system supplied
   command like "date" does not work with "JST" but it can grok
   Asia/Tokyo just fine ("JST" does not necessarily have to be
   "Japan standard time"; it could be Jamaican ;-)).

 - It is not limited to KST (is that Kabul standard time?  Khartoum?

Perhaps try TZ=Asia/Seoul or something?

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