Ted Zlatanov <t...@lifelogs.com> writes:

> +# build reverse token map
> +my %rmap;
> +foreach my $k (keys %{$options{tmap}}) {
> +     push @{$rmap{$options{tmap}->{$k}}}, $k;
> +}

Mental note: "$rmap{foo} -eq 'bar'" means that what Git calls 'bar'
is found as 'foo' in the netrc/authinfo file.  Keys in %rmap are
what we expect to read from the netrc/authinfo file.

> +# there are CPAN modules to do this better, but we want to avoid
> +# dependencies and generally, complex netrc-style files are rare
> +
> +if ($debug) {
> +     printf STDERR "searching for %s = %s\n", $_, $q{$_} || '(any value)'
> +             foreach sort keys %q;
> +}
> +
> +LINE: foreach my $line (@data) {
> +
> +     print STDERR "line [$line]\n" if $debug;
> +     my @tok;
> +     # gratefully stolen from Net::Netrc
> +     while (length $line &&
> +            $line =~ s/^("((?:[^"]+|\\.)*)"|((?:[^\\\s]+|\\.)*))\s*//) {
> +             (my $tok = $+) =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
> +             push(@tok, $tok);
> +     }
> +
> +     # skip blank lines, comments, etc.
> +     next LINE unless scalar @tok;
> +
> +     my %tokens;
> +     my $num_port;
> +     while (@tok) {
> +             my ($k, $v) = (shift @tok, shift @tok);
> +             next unless defined $v;
> +             next unless exists $options{tmap}->{$k};
> +             $tokens{$options{tmap}->{$k}} = $v;
> +             $num_port = $v if $k eq 'port' && $v =~ m/^\d+$/;
> +     }

So you grabbed one line of input, split them into token pairs, and
built %tokens = ('key Git may want to see' => 'value read from file')

> +     # for "host X port Y" where Y is an integer (captured by
> +     # $num_port above), set the host to "X:Y"
> +     $tokens{host} = join(':', $tokens{host}, $num_port)
> +             if defined $tokens{host} && defined $num_port;

What happens when 'host' does not exist?  netrc/authinfo should be a
stream of SP/HT/LF delimited tokens and 'machine' token (or
'default') begins a new entry, so it would mean the input file is
corrupt if we do not have $tokens{host} when we get here, I think.

Oh, another thing. 'default' is like 'machine' followed by any
machine name, so the above while loop that reads two tokens
pair-wise needs to be aware that 'default' is not followed by a
value.  I think the loop will fail to parse this:

        default       login anonymous    password me@home
        machine k.org login me           password mysecret

> +     foreach my $check (sort keys %q) {

Hmph, aren't you checking what you read a bit too early?  This is a
valid input:

                login anonymous
                password me@home
        machine k.org
                login me
                password mysecret

but does this loop gives mysecret back to me when asked for
host=k.org and user=me? 

> +             if (exists $tokens{$check} && defined $q{$check}) {
> +                     print STDERR "comparing [$tokens{$check}] to 
> [$q{$check}] in line [$line]\n" if $debug;
> +                     next LINE unless $tokens{$check} eq $q{$check};
> +             }
> +             else {
> +                     print STDERR "we could not find [$check] but it's OK\n" 
> if $debug;
> +             }
> +     }

I would probably structure this part like this:

        %pending = ();
        split the whole input into tokens, regardless of lines;
        iterate over the tokens {
                peek the token
                if (it is not "default") {
                        take (token, value) pair;
                } else {
                        take "default" as token; value does not matter.
                if (token is "default" or "machine") {
                        # finished reading one entry and we are
                        # at the beginning of the next entry.
                        # see if this entry matches
                        if (%pending is not empty &&
                            %pending matches %q) {
                                found a match; use %pending;
                        # done with that entry. now start a new one.
                        %pending = ();
                $pending{token} = value;

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