Denton Liu <> writes:

> A common scenario is if a user is working on a topic branch and they
> wish to make some changes to intermediate commits or autosquashing, they
> would run something such as
>       git rebase -i --onto master... master
> in order to preserve the merge base. This prevents unnecessary commit
> churning.
> Alternatively, a user wishing to test individual commits in a topic
> branch without changing anything may run
>       git rebase -x ./ master... master
> Since rebasing onto the merge base of the branch and the upstream is
> such a common case, introduce the --keep-base option as a shortcut.
> This allows us to rewrite the above as
>       git rebase -i --keep-base master
> and
>       git rebase -x ./ --keep-base master
> respectively.

I never use the "feature" myself, but I recall that when "git
rebase" is run on a branch appropriately prepared, you do not even
have to say <upstream> (iow, you type "git rebase<RET>" and rebase
on top of @{upstream}).  

Can this new "--keep-base" feature mesh well with it?  When the
current branch has forked from origin/master, for example, it would
be good if

        $ git rebase -i --same-base

becomes a usable short-hand for

        $ git rebase -i --same-base origin/master


        $ git rebase -i --onto $(git merge-base HEAD origin/master) 

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