On Sat, Mar 23 2019, Keith Smiley wrote:

> In the case there are no files to stash, but the user asked to stash, we
> should exit 1 since the stashing failed.
> ---
>  git-stash.sh | 2 +-
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/git-stash.sh b/git-stash.sh
> index 789ce2f41d4a3..ca362b1a31277 100755
> --- a/git-stash.sh
> +++ b/git-stash.sh
> @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ push_stash () {
>       if no_changes "$@"
>       then
>               say "$(gettext "No local changes to save")"
> -             exit 0
> +             exit 1
>       fi
>       git reflog exists $ref_stash ||

Thanks for contributing, some points:

 * stash is currently (in the 'next' branch) being rewritten in C. It's
   a better move at this point to patch that version, this code is about
   to be deleted.

 * This is missing a corresponding test, and skimming the stash manpage
   we should document how these exit codes are supposed to act.

 * Shouldn't we do this consistently across all the other sub-commands?
   Trying some of them seems 'push' may be the odd one out, but maybe
   I've missed some (and this would/should be covered by
   tests). I.e. some single test that does a bunch of ops with no
   entries / nothing to stash and asserts exit codes.

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