On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 2:18 AM Duy Nguyen <pclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 01:28:35PM -0400, Eric Sunshine wrote:
> > > > Again, not much of a datapoint, but I do use --orphan periodically.
> > > > The idea of "fixing" the behavior so that --orphan starts with a clean
> > > > slate is certainly appealing (since it matches how I've used orphan
> > > > branches in each case).
> > >
> > > The only three people who have commented on --orphan in this thread
> > > all apparently feel the same way: the current behavior is wrong.
> > > Maybe we can switch it to start with an empty index after all?
> >
> > Starting empty may match intuition better. (More importantly, perhaps,
> > it's harder to come up with a use-case for --orphan which doesn't
> > involve starting with a clean slate.)
> OK so the new --orphan description would be like this, right?
> --8<--
> --orphan <new-branch>::
>         Create a new 'orphan' branch, named `<new-branch>`. If
>         `<start-point>` is specified, the working tree is adjusted to
>         match it. The index remains empty (i.e. no file is tracked).
> -->8--
> I was wondering if instead of the empty index, we mark on files from
> <start-point> as intent-to-add. That way "git commit -a" achieves the
> same as before, but you could still carefully craft the new index and
> "git commit". Dunno. Not going to implement it unless somebody says
> something, since I rarely (if ever?) use --orphan.

I don't see why <start-point> even makes sense to use with --orphan;
you should error if both are given, IMO.  The point of --orphan is to
create some entirely new history.  So, I'd expect "git switch --orphan
<new-branch>" to:
  * not create refs/heads/<new-branch>
  * set HEAD to refs/heads/<new-branch>
  * empty all tracked files from the working tree.
  * empty the index

Alternatively, you could allow <start-point> to be passed with
--orphan, adjusting the above steps so that both the index and the
working tree are switched to match <start-point>, but ONLY if
<start-point> defaults to the empty tree when --orphan is passed.

> I may need someone to come up with a convincing commit message
> too. All I've got is "I've been told this is a good thing to do" :)

How about:

Switching and creating branches always involves knowing the
<start-point> to begin the new branch from.  Sometimes, people want to
create a new branch that does not have any commits yet; --orphan is a
flag to allow that.  --orphan overrides the default of HEAD for
<start-point> instead causing us to start from an empty history.  The
use of --orphan is incompatible with specifying a <start-point>.

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