Hi Matheus,

On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 10:46 PM Matheus Tavares Bernardino
<matheus.bernard...@usp.br> wrote:
> I've been in the mailing list for a couple weeks now, mainly working
> on my gsoc micro-project[1] and in other patches that derived from it.
> I also have been contributing to the Linux Kernel for half an year,
> but am now mainly just supporting other students here at USP.
> I have read the ideas page for the GSoC 2019 and many of them interest
> me. Also, looking around git-dev materials on the web, I got to the
> GSoC 2012 ideas page. And this one got my attention:
> https://github.com/peff/git/wiki/SoC-2012-Ideas#improving-parallelism-in-various-commands
> I'm interested in parallel computing and that has been my research
> topic for about an year now. So I would like to ask what's the status
> of this GSoC idea. I've read git-grep and saw that it is already
> parallel, but I was wondering if there is any other section in git in
> which it was already considered to bring parallelism, seeking to
> achieve greater performance. And also, if this could, perhaps, be a
> GSoC project.

I vaguely remember that we thought at one point that all the low
hanging fruits had already been taken in this area but I might be

> I'm also interested in the 'convert script to builtin' task, and I was
> wondering if 'git-bisect' would be a good candidate for that.

There is an ongoing work on that by Tanushree Tumane, an Outreachy
intern. The end of the internship is March 5, but it seems to me that
there is not a lot of work left on the project, and hopefully
Tanushree or her mentors will take care of that.


> Thanks,
> Matheus Tavares
> [1]: 
> https://public-inbox.org/git/20190226051804.10631-1-matheus.bernard...@usp.br/

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