Duy Nguyen <pclo...@gmail.com> writes:

>  - surprises sometimes, but in known classes. This is the main use
> case of backup log, where I may accidentally do "git commit
> -amsomething" after carefully preparing the index. Saving overwritten
> files by merge/checkout could be done here as an alternative to
> "garbage" attribute.

The problem with either of these is not the "saving" half, but
"restoring".  For different people, and for different cases even to
the same person, granularity of what is perceived as a single action
is different, so "give me the state of my working tree files before
the last operation" is a request that does not have a good
definition.  After finishing "git rebase" that replays 3 changes,
one of which needs manual conflict resolution, you may realize that
you made an incorrect resolution for one path but not others.  How
would you let the user say "no, I do not want to undo the whole
rebase, I want to go back to the state where I replayed the first
change, saw the conflicts while replaying the second change, and
resolved them in these files, but before touching that last one I
screwed up resolving, so that I can correct"?

Piling many "backups" (or "snapshots") on top of each other is the
easier part; I'd expect that it would be a much harder design
problem to let users make use of them in meaningful ways, and that
is the primary reason why I am skeptical.

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