On February 14, 2019 16:33, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> To: git@vger.kernel.org
> Cc: Randall Becker <rsbec...@nexbridge.com>; Junio C Hamano
> <gits...@pobox.com>
> Subject: [PATCH 0/1] Fix hang in t5562, introduced in v2.21.0-rc1
> The last-minute patch to replace /dev/zero with a Perl script snippet broke
> the Linux part of the CI builds on Azure Pipelines: it timed out. The culprit 
> is
> the rb/no-dev-zero-in-test branch (see the build for this branch here
> [https://dev.azure.com/gitgitgadget/git/_build/results?buildId=1727]).
> All of master, next, jch and pu are broken that way. You might see it in the
> commit status of the active branches
> [https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/branches/active].
> Turns out that it is that particular Perl script snippet which for some reason
> hangs the build. If you kill it, t5562.15 succeeds, if you don't kill it, it 
> will hang
> indefinitely (or until killed).
> Sadly, despite my earnest attempts, I could not figure out why it hangs in
> those Linux agents (I could not reproduce that hang locally), or for that
> matter, why it does not hang in the Windows and macOS agents.
> Let's avoid that hang. This patch fixes things on Azure Pipelines, and my hope
> is that it also fixes the hang on NonStop.
> Johannes Schindelin (1):
>   tests: teach the test-tool to generate NUL bytes and use it
>  Makefile                               |  1 +
>  t/helper/test-genzeros.c               | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
>  t/helper/test-tool.c                   |  1 +
>  t/helper/test-tool.h                   |  1 +
>  t/t5562-http-backend-content-length.sh |  2 +-
>  t/test-lib-functions.sh                |  8 +-------
>  6 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)  create mode 100644
> t/helper/test-genzeros.c
> base-commit: 8989e1950a845ceeb186d490321a4f917ca4de47
> Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-
> 126%2Fdscho%2Ffix-t5562-hang-v1
> Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-126/dscho/fix-
> t5562-hang-v1
> Pull-Request: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/pull/126

Unfortunately, subtest 13 still hangs on NonStop, even with this patch, so our 
Pipeline still hangs. I'm glad it's better on Azure, but I don't think this 
actually addresses the root cause of the hang. This is now the fourth attempt 
at fixing this. Is it possible this is not the test that is failing, but 
actually the git-http-backend? The code is not in a loop, if that helps. It is 
not consuming any significant cycles. I don't know that part of the code at 
all, sadly. The code is here:

* in the operating system from here up *
  cleanup_children + 0x5D0 (UCr)
  cleanup_children_on_exit + 0x70 (UCr)
  git_atexit_dispatch + 0x200 (UCr)
  __process_atexit_functions + 0xA0 (DLL zcredll)
  CRE_TERMINATOR_ + 0xB50 (DLL zcredll)
  exit + 0x2A0 (DLL zcrtldll)
  die_webcgi + 0x240 (UCr)
  die_errno + 0x360 (UCr)
  write_or_die + 0x1C0 (UCr)
  end_headers + 0x1A0 (UCr)
  die_webcgi + 0x220 (UCr)
  die + 0x320 (UCr)
  inflate_request + 0x520 (UCr)
  run_service + 0xC20 (UCr)
  service_rpc + 0x530 (UCr)
  cmd_main + 0xD00 (UCr)
  main + 0x190 (UCr)

Best guess is that a signal (SIGCHLD?) is possibly getting eaten or neglected 
somewhere between the test, perl, and git-http-backend.


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