On 31/01/13 12:41 PM, Greg KH wrote:
> Ugh, uploading a 431Mb file, over a flaky wireless connection (I end up
> doing lots of kernel releases while traveling), would be a horrible
> change.  I'd rather just keep using the same older version of git that
> kernel.org is running instead.

Well, we do accept compressed archives, so you would be uploading about
80MB instead of 431MB, but that would still be a problem for anyone
releasing large tarballs over unreliable connections. I know you
routinely do 2-3 releases at once, so that would still mean uploading

I don't have immediate statistics on how many people release using "kup
--tar", but I know that at least you and Linus rely on that exclusively.

Konstantin Ryabitsev
Systems Administrator
Linux Foundation, kernel.org
Montréal, Québec

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