On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 8:30 AM Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> New contributors whose contributions weren't in v2.20.0 are as follows. > Welcome to the Git development community! > > Arti Zirk, Brandon Richardson, Chayoung You, Denis Ovsienko, Erin > Dahlgren, Force Charlie, Frank Dana, Issac Trotts, Laura Abbott, > Patrick Hogg, Peter Osterlund, Shahzad Lone, and Slavica Djukic. It's a bit sad that Tanushree Tumane is not in the list of contributors though she contributed a lot to getting tt/bisect-in-c merged in this version. I wonder if you could use something based on the Signed-off-by trailers instead of the Author fields to compute the lists. Maybe like the following: git rev-list v2.20.0.. | while read -r commit; do git show -s --format=format:%B "$commit" | git interpret-trailers --parse; done | sort | uniq | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if (m/^Signed-off-by: (.*)<.*$/)' Thanks, Christian.