
you have probably overseen my email :) . Please, I would like to get it

Does anyone has a suggestion what to do with this bug? It looks like a
one-line fix probably in builtin/worktree.c, but I have no idea how to
do it. Sorry.

Thank you,

On 15/01/2019 15:03, Marketa Calabkova wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing to report a bug. The original report is from my colleague, I am 
> also providing his suggestions.
> There is insufficient locking for worktree addition. Adding worktree may fail.
> The problem is that git reads the directory entries in $GIT_DIR/worktrees, 
> finds a worktree name that does not exist, tries to create it, and if an 
> error is returned adding the worktree fails. When multiple git processes 
> do this in parallel only one adds a worktree and the others fail. Git should 
> reread the directory and find a new name that does not exist when creating 
> the worktree directory fails because another git process already created it.
> I suppose adding PID in the tree name would mitigate the issue to the point 
> it will be very unlikely to encounter.
> I need more than the tree in the temporary directory so using the temporary 
> directory directly as a tree is out of question.
> to test:
> cd /dev/shm
> mkdir gittest
> cd gittest
> git init gitrepo
> cd gitrepo
> git commit --allow-empty -m Empty
> for n in $(seq 10000) ; do ( tmp=$(mktemp -d 
> /dev/shm/gittest/test.XXXXXXXXXXX) ; mkdir $tmp/test ; git worktree add 
> --detach $tmp/test ; ) & done
> (you should see many messages like: 
> fatal: could not create directory of '.git/worktrees/test284': File exists)
> Greetings,
> Marketa

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