When a worktree file is larger than the available memory, and a clean
filter is in use, this avoids mallocing a buffer the whole size of the
file when reading from the clean filter, which caused commands like git
status and git commit to OOM.

Often in this situation the clean filter will produce a short identifier
for the file, so such a large buffer is not needed.

When the clean filter does output something around the same size as the
worktree file, the buffer will need to be reallocated until it fits,
starting at 8192 and doubling in size. Benchmarking indicates that
reallocation is not a significant overhead for outputs up to a
few MB in size.

Signed-off-by: Joey Hess <i...@joeyh.name>
 convert.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/convert.c b/convert.c
index 0d89ae7c23..85aebe2ed3 100644
--- a/convert.c
+++ b/convert.c
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ static int apply_single_file_filter(const char *path, const 
char *src, size_t le
        if (start_async(&async))
                return 0;       /* error was already reported */
-       if (strbuf_read(&nbuf, async.out, len) < 0) {
+       if (strbuf_read(&nbuf, async.out, 0) < 0) {
                err = error(_("read from external filter '%s' failed"), cmd);
        if (close(async.out)) {

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