Hi, sorry for the late answer.

Le 14/01/2019 à 19:34, Stephen Boyd a écrit :
> Quoting Alban Gruin (2019-01-13 13:26:21)
>> Hi Stephen,
>> thank you for your patch.  I left a few comments below.
>> Le 11/01/2019 à 22:51, Stephen Boyd a écrit :
>>> diff --git a/userdiff.c b/userdiff.c
>>> index 97007abe5b16..2bc964e11089 100644
>>> --- a/userdiff.c
>>> +++ b/userdiff.c
>>> @@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ IPATTERN("ada",
>>>        "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
>>>        "|[-+]?[0-9][0-9#_.aAbBcCdDeEfF]*([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?"
>>>        "|=>|\\.\\.|\\*\\*|:=|/=|>=|<=|<<|>>|<>"),
>>> +PATTERNS("dts",
>>> +      /* Node name (with optional label and unit address) */
>>> +      "^[ \t]*((([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*: 
>>> )?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9,._+-]*(@[a-zA-Z0-9,._+-]+)?"
>> From the spec, label and node names “shall be [between] 1 to 31
>> characters in length”.  It’s not enforced here, and I guess it’s not
>> really git’s job to check for this kind of rule.  Others may disagree
>> with me, though.
>> Should labels end with exactly one space after the colon, or can there
>> be more, or none at all?
> There can be any number of spaces after the colon. I can fix the regex
> here to accept any amount of whitespace after the colon.
>>> +      /* Reference */
>>> +      "|&[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*[ \t]*)[ \t]*\\{)[ \t]*$",
>> It’s not specified in the spec, but these lines must end with a curly
>> brace?  
> That isn't common but it is supported. I can change the regex to look
> for a line that ends in '{' or something that isn't ';' with anything
> after the node name?
>> What if there is a comment after the curly brace?
> There can be a comment after the curly brace or before the curly brace.
> The spec allows C style /* */ type comments, in addition to C++ style //
> comments. I've never really seen that happen in practice though so it's
> not very common. Grepping the linux sources shows two hits:
> arch/arm/boot/dts/lpc3250-ea3250.dts:&ohci /* &usbd */ {
> arch/arm/boot/dts/lpc3250-phy3250.dts:&ohci /* &usbd */ {

I grepped through Linux and uboot’s sources and it seems that “it is not
common” is actually “it does not exists in the wild”.  Perhaps it’s not
worth to support them.

>>> +      /* -- */
>>> +      /* Property names and math operators */
>>> +      "[a-zA-Z0-9,._+?#-]+"
>>> +      "|[-+*/%&^|!~]"),
>> There is a `%' operator here and in your tests, but it’s not mentioned
>> in the spec if I’m not mistaken.  Does it actually exists?
> The compiler doesn't seem to complain when it's used. I can send a patch
> to update the spec for this rather esoteric feature. I can also include
> more tests and support for the boolean relational operators which also
> seem to be supported but probably never used.

I’d like you to do this, yes.

To be fair, I don’t know what to think about this patch after Junio’s

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