On Sun, Dec 30 2018, Xheroz 128 wrote:

> Currently, I’m doing my Final Year Project that requires a hook that executes 
> automatically on the server side of the repository, before the objects been 
> pulled to the client side, and after the objects have been pushed to the 
> server side, which is "post-receive" hook. The post-receive hook work well 
> for me, but I couldn’t find any hook to be executed immediately before an 
> upload-operation is performed, i.e. before data is sent to the client.
> Why Git doesn't have a hook that executed immediately before the data is sent 
> to the client? Any advice on getting this hook or any similar function of the 
> hook?

We do not have such a pre-upload hook, but could have one. There's an
old thread from 2011 detailing some potential downsides:


FWIW I think most servers who find themselves needing such a hook use it
to e.g. log how many fetches a given repository might serve, and end up
instead wrapping git commands in some custom shell.

It's also possible to imagine a much deeper integration for such a hook,
e.g. something that would allow you to implement the functionality of
the uploadpack.* variables and more in your own code, but I don't know
if that's the sort of thing you're imagining.

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