On Mon, Dec 17 2018, Jeff King wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 08:08:49AM -0500, Mark Kharitonov wrote: > >> C:\Dayforce\test [master ↓2 +0 ~2 -0 !]> git pull >> error: Your local changes to the following files would be >> overwritten by merge: >> 2.txt >> Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. >> Aborting >> Updating 2dc8bd0..ea343f8 >> C:\Dayforce\test [master ↓2 +0 ~2 -0 !]> >> >> Does git have a command that can tell me which uncommitted files cause >> the this error? I can see them displayed by git pull, but I really do >> not want to parse git pull output. > > That message is generated by merge-recursive, I believe after it's > figured out which files would need to be touched. > > I don't offhand know of a way to get that _exact_ answer from another > plumbing command. But in practice it would probably be reasonable to ask > for the diff between your current branch and what you plan to merge, and > cross-reference that with the list of files with local changes. > > Something like: > > git pull ;# this fails, but FETCH_HEAD is left over > > git diff-tree -z --name-only HEAD FETCH_HEAD >one > git diff-index -z --name-only HEAD >two > comm -z -12 one two > > would work on Linux, but "comm -z" is not portable (and I suspect you > may not have comm at all on Windows). You can probably find a way to > show the common elements of the two lists using the scripting language > of your choice. > > The answer that gives will be overly broad (e.g., in a case where our > local branch had touched file "foo" but other side had not, we'd > consider "foo" as a difference the two-point diff-tree, whereas a real > 3-way merge would realize that we'd keep our version of "foo"). But it > might be good enough for your purposes. Isn't this done more simply with just running the merge with git-merge-tree? Maybe I'm missing something. E.g. earlier I had a conflict between a WIP series of mine in next in parse-options-cb.c. Just using git-merge-tree and grepping for conflict markers gives me what conflicted: $ git merge-tree origin/master unconditional-abbrev-2 origin/next|grep -E -e '^(merged|changed in both| (base|our|their|result))' -e '^\+=======' [...] merged result 100644 d70c6d9afb94c77c285fe8ee3237f7a40867157a packfile.h our 100644 6c4037605d0dfee59a084c440506f1af11708d63 packfile.h changed in both base 100644 8c9edce52f63bcb1085b119b3a2264a97b1fb374 parse-options-cb.c our 100644 1afc11a9901dba25dc0f6151e5d9a7654b6e3192 parse-options-cb.c their 100644 e2f3eaed072f77d63890ec814d810199f57248d5 parse-options-cb.c +======= [...] Or more simply, you can "grep -q" for '^\+=======' to ask "does this conflict?".