On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 10:48:23AM +0200, Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy wrote:
> In WM_PATHNAME mode (or FNM_PATHNAME), '*' does not match '/' and '**'
> can but only in three patterns:
> - '**/' matches zero or more leading directories
> - '/**/' matches zero or more directories in between
> - '/**' matches zero or more trailing directories/files
> When '**' is present but not in one of these patterns, the current
> behavior is consider the pattern invalid and stop matching. In other
> words, 'foo**bar' never matches anything, whatever you throw at it.
> This behavior is arguably a bit confusing partly because we can't
> really tell the user their pattern is invalid so that they can fix
> it. So instead, tolerate it and make '**' act like two regular '*'s
> (which is essentially the same as a single asterisk). This behavior
> seems more predictable.

Nice analyzes.
I have one question here:
If the user specifies '**' and nothhing is found,
would it be better to die() with a useful message
instead of silently correcting it ?

See the the patch below:
> -                             } else
> -                                     return WM_ABORT_MALFORMED;

Would it be possible to put in the die() here?
As it is outlined so nicely above, a '**' must have either a '/'
before, or behind, or both, to make sense.
When there is no '/' then the user specified something wrong.
Either a '/' has been forgotten, or the '*' key may be bouncing.
I don't think that Git should assume anything here.
(but I didn't follow the previous discussions, so I may have missed
some arguments.)


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