On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 02:58:53PM -0400, Jeff King wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 01:14:28PM +0200, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
> > > I'd guess this sort of thing is pretty rare. But I wonder if we're
> > > crossing the line of trying to assume too much about what the user's
> > > arbitrary code does.
> > >
> > > A simple depth counter can limit the fork bomb, and with a high enough
> > > depth would be unlikely to trigger a false positive. It could also
> > > protect non-aliases more reasonably, too (e.g., if you have a 1000-deep
> > > git process hierarchy, there's a good chance you've found an infinite
> > > loop in git itself).
> > 
> > I don't think this edge case you're describing is very plausible, and I
> > doubt it exists in the wild.
> > 
> > But going by my personal incredulity and a git release breaking code in
> > the wild would suck, so agree that I need to re-roll this to anticipate
> > that.
> I agree it's probably quite rare, if it exists at all. But I also wonder
> how important looping alias protection is. It's also rare, and the
> outcome is usually "gee, I wonder why this is taking so long? ^C".

Hmph. So I was speaking before purely hypothetically, but now that your
patch is in 'next', it is part of my daily build. And indeed, I hit a
false positive within 5 minutes of building it. ;)

I have an alias like this:

  $ git help dotgit
  'dotgit' is aliased to '!git rev-parse 2>/dev/null || cd ~/compile/git; git'

The idea being that I can run "git dotgit foo" to run "git foo" in the
current directory, or if it is not a git repository, in my checkout of

I use it in two ways:

  - some of my aliases know about it themselves. So I have an alias "ll"
    that does:

      $ git help ll
      'll' is aliased to '!git dotgit --no-pager log --no-walk=unsorted 
--format='%h (%s, %ad)' --date=short'

    with the idea being to produce a nice annotation for a commit id.
    Using "git dotgit" there lets me just run it from any directory,
    since 99% of the time I am working on git.git anyway.

  - I have a vim command defined:

      command! -nargs=* Git :call MaybeInlineCommand("git dotgit <args>")

    so I can do ":Git foo" inside vim and it uses either the current
    repo (e.g., if I'm writing a commit message) or git.git (e.g., if
    I'm writing an email and didn't start in the repo).

So of course the alias expansion is something like (in older versions of

  1. "git dotgit ll" runs the dotgit alias, which sees that we need to go
     to the git.git checkout

  2. that runs "git ll"

  3. that runs "git dotgit log"; this second dotgit invocation sees we're
     already in a repository and is a noop

  4. git-log runs

With your patch, step 3 complains:

  $ git dotgit ll
  fatal: alias loop detected: expansion of 'dotgit' does not terminate:
  dotgit <==
  ll ==>

So I would really prefer a depth counter that can be set sufficiently
high to make this case work. ;)

As an aside, I got to experience this error message as an unsuspecting
user would. Unfortunately the output was not super helpful for figuring
out the cause. I scratched my head for a while before remembering that
"ll" uses "dotgit" explicitly (which was quite apparent when running
GIT_TRACE=1, or "git help ll"). I think showing the alias definitions in
the loop output would have made it much more obvious (if perhaps a bit
uglier).  E.g., something like:

  fatal: alias loop...
  ==> dotgit is aliased to '!git rev-parse ...'
  <== ll is aliased to '!git dotgit ...'


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