In many config-related tests it's common to check if a config variable
has expected value and we want to print the differences when the test
fails. Doing it the normal way is three lines of shell code. Let's add
a function do to all this (and a little more).

This function has uses outside t1300 as well but I'm not going to
convert them all. And it will be used in the next commit where
per-worktree config feature is introduced.

Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
 t/       | 79 ++++++++++-------------------------------
 t/ | 23 ++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e2cd50ecfc..9652b241c7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -76,15 +76,11 @@ EOF
 test_expect_success 'non-match result' 'test_cmp expect .git/config'
 test_expect_success 'find mixed-case key by canonical name' '
-       echo Second >expect &&
-       git config cores.whatever >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config Second cores.whatever
 test_expect_success 'find mixed-case key by non-canonical name' '
-       echo Second >expect &&
-       git config CoReS.WhAtEvEr >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config Second CoReS.WhAtEvEr
 test_expect_success 'subsections are not canonicalized by git-config' '
@@ -94,12 +90,8 @@ test_expect_success 'subsections are not canonicalized by 
git-config' '
        [section "SubSection"]
        key = two
-       echo one >expect &&
-       git config section.subsection.key >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual &&
-       echo two >expect &&
-       git config section.SubSection.key >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config one section.subsection.key &&
+       test_cmp_config two section.SubSection.key
 cat > .git/config <<\EOF
@@ -212,9 +204,7 @@ test_expect_success 'really really mean test' '
 test_expect_success 'get value' '
-       echo alpha >expect &&
-       git config beta.haha >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config alpha beta.haha
 cat > expect << EOF
@@ -251,15 +241,11 @@ test_expect_success 'non-match' '
 test_expect_success 'non-match value' '
-       echo wow >expect &&
-       git config --get nextsection.nonewline !for >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config wow --get nextsection.nonewline !for
 test_expect_success 'multi-valued get returns final one' '
-       echo "wow2 for me" >expect &&
-       git config --get nextsection.nonewline >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config "wow2 for me" --get nextsection.nonewline
 test_expect_success 'multi-valued get-all returns all' '
@@ -520,21 +506,11 @@ test_expect_success 'editing stdin is an error' '
 test_expect_success 'refer config from subdirectory' '
        mkdir x &&
-       (
-               cd x &&
-               echo strasse >expect &&
-               git config --get --file ../other-config ein.bahn >actual &&
-               test_cmp expect actual
-       )
+       test_cmp_config -C x strasse --get --file ../other-config ein.bahn
 test_expect_success 'refer config from subdirectory via --file' '
-       (
-               cd x &&
-               git config --file=../other-config --get ein.bahn >actual &&
-               test_cmp expect actual
-       )
+       test_cmp_config -C x strasse --file=../other-config --get ein.bahn
 cat > expect << EOF
@@ -688,16 +664,13 @@ test_expect_success numbers '
 test_expect_success '--int is at least 64 bits' '
        git config giga.watts 121g &&
-       echo 129922760704 >expect &&
-       git config --int --get giga.watts >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       echo  >expect &&
+       test_cmp_config 129922760704 --int --get giga.watts
 test_expect_success 'invalid unit' '
        git config aninvalid.unit "1auto" &&
-       echo 1auto >expect &&
-       git config aninvalid.unit >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual &&
+       test_cmp_config 1auto aninvalid.unit &&
        test_must_fail git config --int --get aninvalid.unit 2>actual &&
        test_i18ngrep "bad numeric config value .1auto. for .aninvalid.unit. in 
file .git/config: invalid unit" actual
@@ -1039,9 +1012,7 @@ test_expect_success '--null --get-regexp' '
 test_expect_success 'inner whitespace kept verbatim' '
        git config section.val "foo       bar" &&
-       echo "foo         bar" >expect &&
-       git config section.val >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config "foo      bar" section.val
 test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'symlinked configuration' '
@@ -1809,21 +1780,15 @@ big = 1M
 test_expect_success 'identical modern --type specifiers are allowed' '
-       git config --type=int --type=int core.big >actual &&
-       echo 1048576 >expect &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config 1048576 --type=int --type=int core.big
 test_expect_success 'identical legacy --type specifiers are allowed' '
-       git config --int --int core.big >actual &&
-       echo 1048576 >expect &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config 1048576 --int --int core.big
 test_expect_success 'identical mixed --type specifiers are allowed' '
-       git config --int --type=int core.big >actual &&
-       echo 1048576 >expect &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config 1048576 --int --type=int core.big
 test_expect_success 'non-identical modern --type specifiers are not allowed' '
@@ -1842,21 +1807,15 @@ test_expect_success 'non-identical mixed --type 
specifiers are not allowed' '
 test_expect_success '--type allows valid type specifiers' '
-       echo "true" >expect &&
-       git config --type=bool >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config true  --type=bool
 test_expect_success '--no-type unsets type specifiers' '
-       echo "10" >expect &&
-       git config --type=bool --no-type core.number >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config 10 --type=bool --no-type core.number
 test_expect_success 'unset type specifiers may be reset to conflicting ones' '
-       echo 1048576 >expect &&
-       git config --type=bool --no-type --type=int core.big >actual &&
-       test_cmp expect actual
+       test_cmp_config 1048576 --type=bool --no-type --type=int core.big
 test_expect_success '--type rejects unknown specifiers' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 78d8c3783b..d158c8d0bf 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -747,6 +747,29 @@ test_cmp() {
        $GIT_TEST_CMP "$@"
+# Check that the given config key has the expected value.
+#    test_cmp_config [-C <dir>] <expected-value>
+#                    [<git-config-options>...] <config-key>
+# for example to check that the value of is foo
+#    test_cmp_config foo
+test_cmp_config() {
+       local GD &&
+       if test "$1" = "-C"
+       then
+               shift &&
+               GD="-C $1" &&
+               shift
+       fi &&
+       printf "%s\n" "$1" >expect.config &&
+       shift &&
+       git $GD config "$@" >actual.config &&
+       test_cmp expect.config actual.config
 # test_cmp_bin - helper to compare binary files
 test_cmp_bin() {

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