Jeff King <> writes:

> +static void strbuf_add_varint(struct strbuf *out, uintmax_t val)
> +{
> +     size_t len;
> +     strbuf_grow(out, 16); /* enough for any varint */
> +     len = encode_varint(val, (unsigned char *)out->buf + out->len);
> +     strbuf_setlen(out, out->len + len);
> +}
> +
> +static void bitmap_to_rle(struct strbuf *out, struct bitmap *bitmap)
> +{
> +     int curval = 0; /* count zeroes, then ones, then zeroes, etc */
> +     size_t run = 0;
> +     size_t word;
> +     size_t orig_len = out->len;
> +
> +     for (word = 0; word < bitmap->word_alloc; word++) {
> +             int bit;
> +
> +             for (bit = 0; bit < BITS_IN_EWORD; bit++) {
> +                     int val = !!(bitmap->words[word] & (((eword_t)1) << 
> bit));
> +                     if (val == curval)
> +                             run++;
> +                     else {
> +                             strbuf_add_varint(out, run);
> +                             curval = 1 - curval; /* flip 0/1 */
> +                             run = 1;
> +                     }
> +             }
OK.  I find it a bit disturbing to see that the loop knows a bit too
much about how "struct bitmap" is implemented, but that is a complaint
against the bitmap API, not this new user of the API.

We do not try to handle the case where bitmap has bits that is not
multiple of BITS_IN_EWORD and instead pretend that size of such a
bitmap can be rounded up, because we ignore trailing 0-bit anyway,
and we know the "struct bitmap" would pad with 0-bit at the tail?

> +     }
> +
> +     /*
> +      * complete the run, but do not bother with trailing zeroes, unless we
> +      * failed to write even an initial run of 0's.
> +      */
> +     if (curval && run)
> +             strbuf_add_varint(out, run);
> +     else if (orig_len == out->len)
> +             strbuf_add_varint(out, 0);
> +
> +     /* signal end-of-input with an empty run */
> +     strbuf_add_varint(out, 0);
> +}


> +static size_t rle_each_bit(const unsigned char *in, size_t len,
> +                        void (*fn)(size_t, void *), void *data)
> +{
> +     int curval = 0; /* look for zeroes first, then ones, etc */
> +     const unsigned char *cur = in;
> +     const unsigned char *end = in + len;
> +     size_t pos;
> +
> +     /* we always have a first run, even if it's 0 zeroes */
> +     pos = decode_varint(&cur);
> +
> +     /*
> +      * ugh, varint does not seem to have a way to prevent reading past
> +      * the end of the buffer. We'll do a length check after each one,
> +      * so the worst case is bounded.
> +      */

Sorry about that :-).

> +     if (cur > end) {
> +             error("input underflow in rle");
> +             return len;
> +     }
> +
> +     while (1) {
> +             size_t run = decode_varint(&cur);
> +
> +             if (cur > end) {
> +                     error("input underflow in rle");
> +                     return len;
> +             }
> +
> +             if (!run)
> +                     break; /* empty run signals end */
> +
> +             curval = 1 - curval; /* flip 0/1 */
> +             if (curval) {
> +                     /* we have a run of 1's; deliver them */
> +                     size_t i;
> +                     for (i = 0; i < run; i++)
> +                             fn(pos + i, data);
> +             }
> +             pos += run;
> +     }
> +
> +     return cur - in;
> +}

Makes sense.

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