On Mon, Oct 08 2018, brian m. carlson wrote:

> Contributors to Git use a variety of editors, each with their own
> configuration files.  Because C lacks the defined norms on how to indent
> and style code that other languages, such as Ruby and Rust, have, it's
> possible for various contributors, especially new ones, to have
> configured their editor to use a style other than the style the Git
> community prefers.
> To make automatically configuring one's editor easier, provide an
> EditorConfig file.  This is an INI-style configuration file that can be
> used to specify editor settings and can be understood by a wide variety
> of editors.  Some editors include this support natively; others require
> a plugin.  Regardless, providing such a file allows users to
> automatically configure their editor of choice with the correct settings
> by default.
> Provide global settings to set the character set to UTF-8 and insert a
> final newline into files.  Provide language-specific settings for C,
> Shell, Perl, and Python files according to what CodingGuidelines already
> specifies.  Since the indentation of other files varies, especially
> certain AsciiDoc files, don't provide any settings for them until a
> clear consensus forward emerges.
> Set the line length for commit messages to 72 characters, which is the
> generally accepted line length for emails, since we send patches by
> email.
> Don't specify an end of line type.  While the Git community uses
> Unix-style line endings in the repository, some Windows users may use
> Git's auto-conversion support and forcing Unix-style line endings might
> cause problems for those users.
> Finally, leave out a root directive, which would prevent reading other
> EditorConfig files higher up in the tree, in case someone wants to set
> the end of line type for their system in such a file.
> Signed-off-by: brian m. carlson <sand...@crustytoothpaste.net>
> ---
>  .editorconfig | 14 ++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 .editorconfig
> diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..83227fa0b2
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/.editorconfig
> @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
> +[*]
> +charset = utf-8
> +insert_final_newline = true
> +
> +[*.{c,h,sh,perl}]
> +indent_style = tab
> +tab_width = 8

It looks like we can add at least "pm" and "pl" to that pattern:

    $ git ls-files|grep -E -v -e '\.(c|h|sh|perl)$' | grep -F .| sed 
's/.*\.//'|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -n 15
        631 txt
         56 expect
         48 po
         41 test
         40 tcl
         34 gitignore
         24 pm
         18 patch
         18 diff
         16 pl
         15 side
         14 gitattributes
         12 dump
         11 sample
          9 master

> +[*.py]
> +indent_style = space
> +indent_size = 4
> +
> +max_line_length = 72

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