On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 09:06:38PM +0700, Dimitri Kopriwa wrote:

> 18:25:52.940307 git.c:659               trace: exec: git-credential-store 
> erase
> 18:25:52.940365 run-command.c:637       trace: run_command: 
> git-credential-store erase
> remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied
> fatal: Authentication failed for
> 'https://git.example.com/example/some-project.git/'
> [...]
> Can you please help me found why is git credential-store erase called ?

This is expected. We tried to use a credential that was rejected by the
server, so we told all of the helpers it was invalid. You can try
running GIT_TRACE_CURL=1 to see the HTTP conversation. There will be an
HTTP 401 with the authentication failure, though it may not tell you
anything more useful than that.

git-credential-store is meant to be used interactively, to insert and
erase credentials as they're grabbed from the terminal.

It sounds more like you want to just have a stored credential that you
try to use. You could do that with a custom helper. E.g., something like
this in your ~/.gitconfig:

  [credential "https://example.com";]
  helper = "!f() { test $1 = get && echo password=$(cat /path/with/password); 
}; f"


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