Hello! Git default progress indicator for clone is very unattractive, IMO. It does its job in providing all the operation details very well, but I bet most of users strongly dream about a gauge box!
Have a look at my gauge box constructed as git-stderr pipe script: https://asciinema.org/a/202401 The main point of my feature request is: git can add core.progress_pipe option, where e.g. `/usr/local/bin/mygauge' will be set (a script like the one in the asciinema), and then simply do the ground-school-known `popen("/usr/local/bin/mygauge","r+")', and write **unchanged current-progress data** to the pipe, then read from the pipe and forward to `stderr', where the progress normally lands in. This will allow users to free their creativity and provide probably dozens of custom Git progress bars. -- Best regards, Sebastian Gniazdowski Blog: http://zdharma.org