Looks like the issue appeared after updating git from brew.

I tried it on a different mac laptop, git 2.18 still used English, but
after updating to 2.19 it started using secondary language.

A quick search revealed that brew changed how it builds git recently.
I think, it just didn't include i18n by default before, so I never
noticed this.
Here's the history of formula changes:
Also, I found this thread https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/31980

Anybody here familiar enough with the build process and dependencies
of git to pinpoint what exactly is causing this and how to fix it?...

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 10:08 PM Niko Dzhus <primen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It doesn't use English when other language is available as a secondary 
> language.
> Reproducing:
> 1. Open "Language & Region" in macos settings
> 2. In "Preferred languages" box, set English as a primary language.
> 3. Add another language, that git is translated to, as a secondary
> language, for example, French or German.
> 4. Run any git command - git will use the secondary language, instead
> of English.
> When the secondary language is removed, then git starts using English again.
> I have git 2.19.0, installed from brew, and my OS is macOS 10.13.6 .

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